The affective domain
When a person starts learning a second language some feeling or emotions may surface, depending on the type of person or personality.
Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues define an extended definition of the affective domain in five levels which are interlaced:
1) Receiving: Awareness, willingness to hear, don't avoid it.
2) Responding: Active participation on the parts of the learners. Willing to respond and receive satisfaction from that response.
3) Valuing: The value of a person or behaviour. Acceptance to the more complex state of commitment.
4) Organization: The person knows how to organize his values depending on his priorities
5) Value system: The individual acts based on its already elaborate system of values to express ideas, Belief, etc.

It's the evaluative perception of oneself. There are 2 types of self-esteem, low self-esteem and high self-esteem. This may affect the process of acquiring a second language, because people who don't have a high self-esteem tend to distrust their capabilities when they have to show what they know and they don't try toexpose their ideas because they think they will make mistakes, losing the opportunity to correct their real errors.
These are some conditions of self-esteem:
-Anxiety, empathy, inhibition, introvert and extrovert.
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