viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Myers Braggs Test (CHECK THIS PLEASE)

Here's my result of the test

Well I'll start talking about the first point "very expressed introvert". Yes, I know that I'm an introvert person because I'm a quiet guy who don't speak so much in class and I don't sympathize with  big groups of people. Besides I don't show my feeling frequently. In the test says that I'm very expressive.Yes I am, but with people who I trust and they are a small group of persons.

The second point says "slightly expressed intuitive personality". Sometimes I can get  the result of some situation easily without a proccess but not always express my ideas.

The third point "distinctively expressed thinking personality". I agree with this, I have a thinking personality. Most of the time I spend it thinking about situations, future plans, composing song or weird poems where I express my thoughts.

And the last point "slightly expressed perceiving personality". I think I should have had a higher percent in that point because I'm always perceiving things instead of communicating feelings or emotions  within my environment.

I think the test result was near to my personality and I enjoyed doing it.

Personality factors


The affective domain

When a person starts learning a second language some feeling or emotions may surface, depending on the type of person or personality.
Benjamin Bloom

Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues define an  extended definition of the affective domain in five levels which are interlaced:

1) Receiving: Awareness, willingness to hear, don't avoid it.

2) Responding: Active participation on the parts of the learners. Willing to respond and receive satisfaction from that response.

3) Valuing: The value of a person or behaviour. Acceptance to the more complex state of  commitment.

4) Organization:  The person knows how to organize his values depending on his priorities

5) Value system:  The individual acts based on its already elaborate system of values to express ideas, Belief, etc.


It's the evaluative perception of oneself. There are 2 types of self-esteem, low self-esteem and high self-esteem. This may affect the process of acquiring a second language, because people who don't have a high self-esteem tend to distrust their capabilities when they have to show what they know and they don't try toexpose their ideas because they think they will make mistakes, losing the opportunity to correct their real errors.

These are some conditions of self-esteem:
-Anxiety, empathy, inhibition, introvert and extrovert.

All these conditions are related with the type of self-esteem of people and they can help or affect the develop of learning.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

The concept of Methodology


What did I understand?
As I understood Methodology is the study of the different methods that can be used within a discipline to make it more understandable for any type of student who's learning  a lesson of some specialty.

How is this connected to my future teaching experience? 
If I want to be a good teacher, I should know these concepts because they will help me when I have to prepare my class and to make interesting activities achieving the aim of the learning

What are the 3 concepts I would highlight from the lesson?
1) Learning process
2) Methods
3) Types of learning

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Second language acquisition & Learning of The Study of Language


Actually I didn't attend to that class because I hadn't registered the class at that moment. However I got the contents of that class and it was about the Second language acquisition and Learning of the study of language. 

 Second language acquisition is when a language is learned naturally in a gradual process. For example a person who grows up in a social environment where more than one language is used he'll be able to acquire a second language by communicating with people who speak the other language.

When we talk about learning a second language, it applies to a more conscious process of accumulating knowledge of the features, such as vocabulary and grammar, of a language, typically in an institutional setting.
Acquisition barriers: These are the constraints that exist at the time to learn a second language such as lack of time, other occupations, and with an already known language available for most of their daily communicative requirements.